Bentuk-bentuk korupsi

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Gerald E. Caiden

"Toward a General Theory of Official Corruption," Asian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 1988, pp. 3-26.

Table 1: Most Commonly Recognized Forms of Official Corruption

Non-performance of duties; desertion; parasitism

Treason; subversion; illegal foreign transactions; smuggling

Kleptocracy; privatization of public funds; larceny and stealing

Misappropriation; forgery and embezzlement; padding of accounts; diverted funds; misuse of funds; unaudited revenues; skimming

Abuse and misuse of coercive power; intimidation; undeserved pardons and remissions; torture

Deceit and fraud; misrepresentation; cheating and swindling

Perversion of justice; criminal behaviour; false evidence; unlawful detention; frame-ups

Bribery and graft; extortion; illegal levies; kickbacks

Tampering with elections; vote-rigging; gerrymandering

Misuse of inside knowledge and confidential information; falsification of records

Unauthorized sale of public offices, loans, monopolies, contracts, licences and public property

Manipulation of regulations, purchases and supplies; bias and favouritism

Tax evasion; profiteering

Influence-peddling; favour-brokering; conflicts of interest

Acceptance of improper gifts and entertainments; "speed" money; blackmail

Protecting maladministration; cover-ups; perjury

Black market operations; links with organized crime

Cronyism; junkets

Misuse of official seals, stationery, residences and perquisites

Illegal surveillance; misuse of mails and telecommunications